013 Your enemy doesn’t want you to hear the truth.
Series: Armor of God, Part 4
In this episode we discuss the battle for the truth. Specifically, we talk about the first tactic we named last week: the devil wants to keep us from hearing the truth.
How does he keep us from hearing? There are 2 levels on which that can happen…
Wow, there is SO much in this passage! (Ephesians 1:3-14) Great stuff to meditate on this week…
- He CHOSE US in Him that we should be holy and blameless
- He PREDESTINED us to adoption as SONS
- He freely bestowed His grace on us through the BELOVED
- We have REDEMPTION through His BLOOD
- We’re sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise
- We have an INHERITANCE, being God’s OWN POSSESSION
Good stuff. You have an excellent speaking voice.
Thank you! And thanks for tuning in!